Whether you use our platform for buying or selling (or both!), ePlane’s advanced activity reports give you a clearer view of your activities and allow you to make better business decisions based on comprehensive graphs.
Use this feature’s filters to dive into the insights that are most relevant to you and your team.
How to use
To access this feature on your Dashboard, click “Stats & Analytics” on the left-hand navigation menu.

My Purchases
The My Purchases report will give you a detailed overview of your purchase activities, and it will also allow you to drill down further into your data by using advanced filters.
My Sales
Drill down into your parts sales performance data with advanced graphs and filters.
Inventory Analytics
ePlane’s advanced reports give you even further insight into your inventory – which part numbers are most in-demand, how many times your inventory appeared in search results, and more!
These advanced reports are part of the many sophisticated tools we have to offer you as part of our Pro plan. We created this advanced trading and insights solution for professionals throughout the aviation trading industry.